The Legend of Hei (2019)ANIMATION, CHINESE / Action, Adventure In bustling human world, various of goblins live peacefully with mankind. Luo Xiao-Hei, the cat demon, begins his journey of wandering because his forest home is destroyed. With sympathetic… Director: Mtjj (as MTJJ Mutou)Writers: Mtjj (as MTJJ Mutou), Kexin PengStars: Youji Wang, June Yoon, Kei Gambit DOWNLOAD NOW SUBTITLES ALT LINK Like this:Like Loading...Related Posts:I Am LegendLamborghini: The Man Behind the LegendThe Legend Of Jack And DianeThe Soldier King LegendPaws of Fury: The Legend of HankLegend of Hunter 2 Forest of Reincarnation